Jin Mang is also thinking about whether to diagnose this matter like Fu Wentao these days. He also thought about it for a few days. I didn’t expect that Wentao would not allow Jin Mang to stare at Wentao for ten seconds and finally nodded, "Good. You are the most different person I have ever seen."

Say that finish Jin Mang blue imperial road "take me to rest" "This way, please" Blue Royal took Jin Mang away. On the side, Luo Zhenfeng is more anxious than Wentao to stop Jin Mang from leaving. There is something to discuss. What does Dr. Wen think? There is a ready-made one. Even Ling Lan…

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Burn Yin Ji left the palace for many days. This sudden appearance also attracted imperial secretaries to wait and see. This armor face looks like a black ball man. Why is it so like the Four Sovereigns?

Palace Xia Xiaoxue is pale and lying on his back at this time. All the imperial secretaries around him have been dismissed, and even all the accompanying female guards are looking solemn at the door. The imperial palace heals too much, and it’s hard to look at the door of the medicine box with the…

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Come on, the white rice was refined to a little bit of rice residue, and then these disciples were still staring at the dim eyes and carefully selected it again.

One thousand catties of white rice left dozens of catties in the end, which is the raw material for this wine making. Before the rice was finished here, someone came in sweating and reported that "the snow water taken from the top of the mountain has melted and filtered …" Just as these people were…

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"I took this to find out how many impostors have replaced Dayan wealthy businessmen. Since Ning Wei is deeply trusted by the emperor, why don’t I invite you?" Ignore her blame Yan Liang direct way

After thinking about it, Ning Xiaoyue nodded "It’s all right" to investigate this matter, but it’s undeniably interesting. "The emperor won’t let you leak it, so don’t tell others again. Maybe there is a traitor among us." Get up and watch the dark stars twinkle outside the lobby. "Traitor? No? " Ning Xiaoyue frowns. Although…

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Maybe the Elves do?

Are there any traces of the Hmong and Daxi people in Blue Star? And what is the root problem of Huaxia protoss? What did Xiaoliu say about the avenue struggle before? Is it the root problem of Huaxia protoss? All these clues accumulated in the past suddenly come together to make Xu retreat feel as…

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The waves said, "This is our personal vendetta. If you catch them and want to alert the high-level officials to talk, and then let them go, I think it’s better not to bother, so I’ll take care of it myself when I have the chance."

The police officer thought for a moment and said, "Well, we don’t want to cause this trouble either. Now that you talk, let them go once. You have a chance to help us fight for breath and clean up these days." The waves laughed. "Of course! Of course! " The police officer gave the order…

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It seems that the biggest mobility is in Area 2 or Area 1, and Area 3 is still a death penalty area. This Tianming has put himself here for other purposes. It seems that he has been observing himself all the time.

Gee, it’s rare to hit the prison door, which makes people’s teeth sour. Zhang Tao looked intently and saw that a man wearing chains was brought in, and his hands and feet had specific chains, apparently to imprison him. "Go back quickly." Soon these guards all retreated carefully, and then they held a chain in…

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Chen Qi swaggered out of the forbidden area, making Shuinie master horrified. He released his own unique spell, which was too poisonous and sinister. He wanted to give Chen Qi a loss first and then forced him to come in, but Chen Qi easily collected his poisonous and sinister dragon, and it seemed that he was not infringed, which made this first master of forgetfulness feel a little shocked.

"I’m afraid I won’t be able to break in when I’m practicing magic with the other five elders. Is it … that the Sect Master thinks I’m an eyesore and intends to take back the gate?" Water evil teacher wants to break his head, but he never thought that Chen Qi wanted to accumulate some…

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