Looking at Liu Yunyang with complicated eyes, he nodded, "Thank you. No matter what the ending is, my sister will thank you all her life. Please tell me your name now, and I will remember it forever."

Liu Yunyang was silent for a long time before she whispered, "My name is Yunyang, and you are also from bad karma, so you don’t need meaning." Cherish forget to look at his eyes and whisper, "Yun Yang is sentient beings! Say goodbye to the grace and hope that God will bless you. "Then look…

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At the same time, nine lights flashed everywhere in the community, and the flags in the hands of others fell at 142 places with the magic flags in Cheng Beiyi’s hands to isolate them

Not only can it prevent the enemy from escaping, but it can also hide the coming battle. Three people just swept to the door and waves of light flashed to other buildings, such as Han Qing, and others, with little dust and light scattered around them. Obviously, it has teleported things like ofuda. "As usual,…

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"Of course, no problem." Renault did not hesitate to send the armored record map to Brigadier General Yip Han and Brigadier General.

Ye Han played the military map and integrated the French map into his own map. Seeing that there was an exclamation point on the French map, he couldn’t help but ask curiously, "What does this exclamation point mean?" Renault also know what Yip hon said without looking. "It’s a very different cave with many alien…

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Chen Qi swaggered out of the forbidden area, making Shuinie master horrified. He released his own unique spell, which was too poisonous and sinister. He wanted to give Chen Qi a loss first and then forced him to come in, but Chen Qi easily collected his poisonous and sinister dragon, and it seemed that he was not infringed, which made this first master of forgetfulness feel a little shocked.

"I’m afraid I won’t be able to break in when I’m practicing magic with the other five elders. Is it … that the Sect Master thinks I’m an eyesore and intends to take back the gate?" Water evil teacher wants to break his head, but he never thought that Chen Qi wanted to accumulate some…

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Wendy also heard Anna’s voice. She looked at the woman who suddenly appeared and couldn’t help showing her vigilance. After all, she knew that she was not a peaceful resort but a horror movie world. Anything could happen. Then she saw Qin Jing’s eyes and nodded her head and took the flame queen into the bedroom inside.

The door closed and Anna turned to look at Qin Jing. "Castiel was taken away by an angel." "Oh?" Qin Jing smiled a little. He was wondering how to know what the plot had reached. I didn’t expect to know it from here. According to the story of evil forces, Castiel should have known it…

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Sure enough, there are still different places. I have a local area network here, and they are the Internet. They didn’t even participate in a push to pre-empt anxiety.

I also want to ask how long it will take to re-enter As a result, Zhu Yeqing just woke up, and she didn’t know anything, just woke up. I’m afraid she’ll say the wrong thing and immediately hiss in front of her and say, "Stop talking and get into it, okay?" Don’t say a word….

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